television crew 在 明日への手紙 / 手嶌葵 (Covered by 堀優衣) 《 フジテレビ系 月9ドラマ「いつかこの恋を思い出してきっと泣いてしまう」主題歌 》 【歌ってみた】Full Cover フルカバー 的影片資訊
2021.8.21 YHFC(堀優衣ファンクラブ)ファンイベント vol.10にて歌った時のライブ映像です。 曲はずっとライブで歌ってみたかった、フジテレビ系 月9「いつかこの恋を思い出してきっと泣い...
2021.8.21 YHFC(堀優衣ファンクラブ)ファンイベント vol.10にて歌った時のライブ映像です。 曲はずっとライブで歌ってみたかった、フジテレビ系 月9「いつかこの恋を思い出してきっと泣い...
‘Life as a HK Artist’ 記錄系列今集會去至將軍澳探望TVB舊同事,她就是導演吳沅琪 Kaye Ng,我們曾一起拍攝《東張西望》三年多。我們會一起談談做TVB幕前和幕後時的工作經歷和...
China has shocked me over the years by being both incredibly warm, friendly and open whilst at the s...
Starting this brand new series, "Trevmonki Plays: ________". So basically we will play games, do cha...
Is it too late now to say sorry? This is how we feel towards Justin Bieber's latest album and don't ...
It's a new year and here are some solutions for all you lazy people out there! Enjoy! :) Big shout...
What are some of your reactions when you receive Christmas presents that you like/dislike? Let us kn...
The title says it all, if instagram users were honest! Some are exaggerated for entertainment purpos...
The bro code? The best bro ever? Watch this video and find out how to be an "upgraded" bro unlike th...
So how many types of students during recess can you relate to? We definitely missed out some so do l...